Kerala Headload Workers Act not applicable to Domestic Purposes

The Kerala Headload Workers Act is not applicable to engagement of a person by an individual for domestic purposes. It is applicable to engagement or employment of persons directly or through a contractor in or for an establishment, whether for wages or not, for loading or unloading or carrying on head or person or in a trolly any article or articles in or from or to a vehicle or any place in such establishment, and includes any person not employed by any employer or contractor but engaged in the loading or unloading or carrying on head or person or in a trolly any article or articles for wages.

Adoption in India: Its Laws & Procedures

Adoption is a legal process of giving and taking of child to a non-biological parent. It is a process that creates a parent - child relation between persons who are not related by blood. The purpose of adoption is to provide a child, who cannot be cared for by his biological parents, the care of a substitute family. The adoptive family of the child has the responsibility to provide him proper care and protection of a family. An adopted child is entitled to all privileges similar to that of a natural-born child, including the right to inherit, in the new family.

Accused can Get the Documents not Part of the Charge Sheet

The documents which are not part of the charge sheet, but seized by the investigating agency during the investigation of the offence, cannot be withheld by the prosecution merely on the ground that the documents sought to be summoned are not part of the charge sheet, the Gujarat High Court held in a revision application in Sanjiv Rajendra Bhat v State of Gujarat.