In Service Matters, Approach Administrative Tribunal first but not HC

The service matters concerning recruitment and service conditions of state employees, including suspension review, fall within exclusive jurisdiction of administrative tribunal, which must be approached first before directly seeking high courts intervention in such matters, says the High Court of Kerala in Sadiq M M v State of Kerala [2025:KER:251].

Holder of Power of Attorney can file Cheque Case

The power of attorney holder is competent to file a complaint under Section 138 of the NI Act, even if knowledge is not stated in the complaint but is affirmed in the affidavit, says the High Court of Kerala (KCK) in G.  Komalan, S/o.  Late Gangadharan v Thomas Alexander, S/o.  Eapen Thomas, (Represented by His Power Of Attorney Holder Sanil Thomas, S/o.  Thomas) [2024 KER 95315].

Using Loudspeakers is not an Essential Religious Practice

Using loudspeakers, for prayers or for reciting religious discourses, is not an essential part of any religion. Therefore, the Bombay High Court, in Jaago Nehru Nagar Residents Welfare Association v Commissioner of Police [2025:BHC-AS:3288-DB], ordered the Mumbai Police to strictly implement the Noise Pollution Rules, 2000 and ensure that no religious place creates noise pollution by using loudspeakers.

In Cheque Case, Trial Can Proceed without the Accused

Trial for the offence under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act (NI Act) can proceed in the absence of the accused and without recording a statement under Section 313 CrPC, if the accused or their advocate has not been attending the trial or the accused has not sought for dispensing personal attendance, says the Bombay High Court in Navneet Singh Gogia & Another v State of Maharashtra & Another [2025:BHC-AS:3054].