Written Statement can be Filed after 90 days in Hard Cases

The time limit for filing of the written statement under Order VIII Rule 1 of Code of Civil Procedure is not mandatory except in commercial suits, the Supreme Court (SC) reiterates it in Bharat Kalra v Raj Kishan Chabra. The SC relied on the judgement in Kailash v Nankhu & Ors.[ (2005) 4 SCC 480]. Therefore, the delay in filing of the written statement could very well be compensated with costs but denying the benefit of filing of the written statement is unreasonable.

Arrest & Detention of JD in Execution Petition

One of the modes of execution of a decree for payment of money, exceeding Rupees two thousand, is arrest and detention of the judgment debtor (JD) in a civil prison. The purpose of this write up is to discusses the mode and procedure for putting a judgment debtor (JD) in civil prison, as part of execution of a decree, when he is unable to satisfy the decree against him.

Commission for Local Investigation under CPC

In a civil suit, if the court finds that a local investigation is required or proper the court can issue a commission to a person as it thinks fit and ask him to make an investigation and report the matter thereon to the court, under Section75(b) and Order 26 rule 9 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC).

Rejection of a Plaint under the CPC

The object of rejection of plaint is to weed out frivolous, vexatious and improper plaints at the very outset. Institution of a suit is by presentation of plaint in the manner prescribed by law in Order 6 and 7 of the Civil Procedures Code (CPC). A plaint shall not be duly instituted unless it complies with the requirements specified in Order 4 of the CPC. The court shall ensure entering the particulars of every suit in a register of civil suits and number them in every year in a serial order as the plaints are admitted.

Legality of a Person’s Will in regard to his Dead Body

Dead men are no longer persons in the eye of the law. They are devoid of much rights and no sort of liabilities. They no longer remain as the owners of their property even till their successors enter upon to take care of their inheritance. They have inheritable and uninheritable rights. Personal rights are uninheritable and they are wholly extinguished by his death. Proprietary rights on the other hand are usually inheritable. The successors step in as owners of his property at the moment he dies.