In Service Matters, Approach Administrative Tribunal first but not HC

The service matters concerning recruitment and service conditions of state employees, including suspension review, fall within exclusive jurisdiction of administrative tribunal, which must be approached first before directly seeking high courts intervention in such matters, says the High Court of Kerala in Sadiq M M v State of Kerala [2025:KER:251].

Overseas Citizenship of India: What it is?

India introduced the Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Scheme by amending the Citizenship Act, 1955 in August 2005. The Scheme provides for registration as Overseas Citizen of India. A registered Overseas Citizen of India is granted multiple entry, multipurpose, life-long visa for visiting India.

UGC Regulations have Priority over University Laws: SC

The issue whether the UGC Regulations shall prevail over the State legislation/State Act has been answered emphatically by the Supreme Court (SC) once again in Professor (Dr.) Sreejith P.S. v Dr. Rajasree M.S. & Ors. The SC categorically holds the appointment of Vice Chancellors in the state universities should be as per the prevailing UGC Regulations if the regulation is in conflict with the State’s University Act.