Damages an Injured can Claim in Vehicle Accidents

A person injured in a motor vehicle accident can claim two types of damages: one is non-pecuniary damages (general damages) and the other is pecuniary damages (special damages). The non-pecuniary damages (general damages) are the damages which cannot be calculated in terms of money. The Pecuniary damages are those damages which the victim has actually incurred and are capable of being calculated in terms of money.

Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation in Brief

The victims of motor vehicle accidents are eligible to get compensation, as a relief measure, under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (MV Act). The M V Act lays out provision for establishment of Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal (MACT). MACT is empowered to adjudicate all claims relating to compensation in motor vehicle accidents, involving death, bodily injury or damage to property.

Encroachment on Roads Impermissible in Law

In S. Rajaseekaran v Union of India [(2018) 13 SCC 516] the SC held that all States and Union Territories are expected to implement the National Road Safety Policy with all due earnestness and seriousness. In Suo motu v State of Kerala [2022 (7) KHC 185 (DB)], the HCK has issued similar directions to the authorities in the context of Sabarimala season. The judgement reminds the state government to implement the National Road Safety Policy with due earnestness and seriousness as the Supreme court had said in the above said S. Rajaseekaran judgement.