Need for Legalising Prostitution in India

Prostitution is a consensual sexual activity in exchange for remuneration between two consenting adults. It is not per se an offence in India. The police and the people in India at large think that prostitution, particularly the one involving exchange of money, is a criminal activity. They act upon any incidence of prostitution and the prostitute in accordance with their misunderstanding. This in effect causes different sorts of human right violation and unlawful aggression. In fact, prostitution is not a criminal offence in India.

Succession, Legal Heirship & related Certificates

Legal Heirship Certificate (LHC), Succession Certificate (SC) and Letters of Administration (LoA) have close relation. They serve a common purpose – they are being used for devolution of some rights on the property of a person died intestate, to their legal descendants.   The above said certificates, because of their misleading names, create some confusion in the minds of not only ordinary people but also some learned lawyers also. This write-up intends to bring in some clarity in regard to the basic nature of those certificates governing inheritance and succession.

Law relating to Vakalatnama in Civil Cases

The Vakalatnama enables the advocate appearing for the litigant to do several acts as an agent of the litigant who remains as the principal. It creates a special relationship between the lawyer and the litigant. It regulates the extent of delegation of authority to the advocate in regard to the conduct of the judicial proceedings and the terms and conditions governing such delegation. It should, therefore, be properly filled, attested and accepted with due care and caution.