Judgements in Electronic Form : Digital SCR

Digital Supreme Court Reporter

The Supreme Court (SC) has brought out the Digital Supreme Court Reports (Digital SCR). It is a digital version of the official law report of the judgements of the Supreme Court of India.  It presents judgments in a digital, open-access format which is useful for the law students, lawyers, and the wider public. The Volume 1, Part 1 of the Digital SCR 2024 carries 15 judgements spreading across 272 pages altogether. The Digital Supreme Court Reports can be accessible at https://digiscr.sci.gov.in

Judgements of the Supreme Court of India

One can get the Judgement, daily orders, and official reports from the Supreme Court of India Website please go to the Supreme Court of India webpage at https://main.sci.gov.in/

eSCR, Judgements and Orders

This Judgment search portal, under the e-court system, is a repository of judgments pronounced by the Supreme Court and various High Courts in the country. This portal is designed for various stakeholders to find out similar judgments based on the requirements.

Most important feature of this portal is that it has a free text search engine, which calls out judgments based on the given keyword in the search box provided. Various other filter criteria include High Court, Act, Sections, Names of the parties, Hon’ble judge name, judgment date etc. Combination of any of the search criteria can be used to filter results. The embedded filtering feature allows further filtering on available results, thus adding value to the search.

The search page is available at https://judgments.ecourts.gov.in/

Judgments of the High Courts in India

To get the judgements of the High Courts in India, please visit the link at https://ecourts.gov.in/ecourts_home/static/highcourts.php

Supreme Court & High Court Judgements under a Search Engine

Indian Kanoon is a search engine, like google, which makes free term search of all the reported judgements of the Supreme Court and the High Courts in India and brings the results, with further search filters.

Indian Kannon is available at https://indiankanoon.org/