Transfer of an Advocate to another State

Applicant shall apply for No Objection Certificate and copy of the State Roll from the State Bar Council where he has enrolled. After obtaining the above said No Objection Certificate and copy of the State Roll, applicant shall file an application before the Bar Council of India in Form C (under Section 18 of the Advocates Act) along with the D.D. for Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) drawn in favour of ‘Bar Council of India’ payable at New Delhi.

Contradictions in Cross Examination u/s 145 IEA

The term contradiction, in criminal law, refers to the same witness making two contradicting statements in two different stages in a judicial proceeding. Such contradictions are of two kinds: direct contradictions and contradictions by omissions. Making some sort of alterations or improvements in the prior statement and subsequent statement by a witness can also be termed as contradiction by omission.

The Art of Cross Examination

Cross examination is the examination of a witness in a legal proceeding by the adverse party. It takes place after examination-in-chief: the examination of a witness by the party who calls him. Cross examination is followed by re-examination: the examination of the witness subsequent to the cross examination by the party who called him.

Filing a Complaint Case: Its Procedures

A complaint case is a case filed before a Magistrate, orally or in writing, by a complainant alleging commission of an offence by a known or unknown person, with a view to taking an action by him, under Section 190 (1) (a) of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (CrPC). A complaint is a statement of facts which constitutes an offence.

Accused should Get Copies of All Documents

When a criminal case is instituted against a person on a police report the accused has the right to get a copy each of the First Information Report (FIR), statements of witnesses recorded by the police, the police report and other records filed along with the police report. This is an obligation of the Magistrate under Section 207 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (CrPC).  

The Specific Relief Act, 1963 : An Overview

The precise objective of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 (SRA) is to enable the party to get some special remedies or reliefs, other than the usual reliefs such as damages or compensation in monetary terms, which the contract act provides in breach of a contractual obligation by a party to it.

Advocates have no right to Boycott the Court

The Supreme Court (SC) says with unequivocal clarity that advocates have no right to strike and/or give a call for boycott of court proceedings. The Advocates have no right to abstain from appearing in court in cases in which they hold vakalat for the parties. It is a quite unprofessional practice for a lawyer.

Plea for Default Bail can be made Orally

Default bail under Section 167(2) of the Criminal Procedures Code, 1973 (CrPC) can be granted to an accused based on an oral application alone, and no physical copy or written application is needed for seeking default bail, says High court of Kerala in a judgement in Akshay v State of Kerala [ 2023(1) KLT SN 44 (C No 38)].

Jurisdiction in Cheque Case u/s 138 of NI Act

The cognizance of the offence in a cheque dishonour case, under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (NI Act) can be taken by a court not inferior to a First-Class Judicial Magistrate upon a complaint in writing by the payee or the holder in due course of the cheque, to be made within one month of the date on which the cause of action arises.